Autism Awareness Month

It’s April which means it’s officially Autism Awareness Month! This cause is near and dear to our hearts, but we believe it should be for everyone else too. Lucky for us, there are ample opportunities to get involved and help raise awareness.

We will be taking part in Walk Now for Autism Speaks on April 18. Our team has already met its fundraising goal, but there is still plenty of time to donate and go above and beyond to support funding for research and advocacy. If you can’t donate money, think about donating your time as a volunteer or joining a team.

On April 2nd we helped supP1020093port World Autism Awareness Day by decking ourselves out in our blue attire. Want more ideas? Join the ranks of Matt Lauer, Lena Dunham and Regis Philbin by taking the Twizzler challenge and nominate your friends and family.

Chances are, you know someone affected by Autism, so take a stand and be active in helping to spread knowledge and assist in finding treatments that can make a world of difference.